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Chris Describing Bareback Riding

Bareback riding is considered by many as the roughest event in rodeo because of the toll it takes on the human body. A bareback rigging consists of a girth strapped onto the horse with a suitcase-like handle. The horse wears a flank strap (usually fleece covered) which will cause it to kick higher and buck harder. The rider jams his gloved hand into the rigging and often takes a real beating on the bareback bronc. Riders must roll their spurs up and down the horse's shoulders in time with the action, never contact the horse with the free hand, and stay on for eight full seconds. (Cowboy singer, Chris LeDoux was the 1976 World Champion Bareback Rider.)

The story of "Bareback Jack" 

Chris LeDoux’s album, After The Storm release on April 9th 2002, includes the debut studio album version of the first rodeo song he ever wrote, “Bareback Jack.” Chris was still in college at the time, on a rodeo scholarship, and the song tells the tale of a young man who declares to his dad that he wants to compete in rodeo as a bareback rider - which of course, is exactly what Chris did, eventually winning the World Championship. 

From Capitol Records - Mar 3, 2002

Stats: Born Oct. 2, 1948, 6-0, 170 lbs.; enters BB (Bareback horses); total won in 1974, $25,740; BSW (Best Single Win) 1974, $2,231 at Cheyenne, Wyo.