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The Passenger
(Chris LeDoux)

  • Anthology Volume 1
  • The Capitol Collection (1990 - 2000) Box Set
  • Rodeo Songs "Old and New"
  • It was dark I was drivin' down a loney Texas road
    The night was hot and sleep pulled at my eyes
    I was thinkin' of the wild times and the women that I'd had
    The deceitful things I'd done and those lies
    Standin' in the shadows by the side of the road
    Was the figure of a withered old man
    He wore a black bandanna a ropin' Stetson hat
    With a two inch scarlet hat band

    He held his wrinkled hand up as a sign to shut her down
    SO I pulled over and stopped by his side
    He opened up the door, slid in and sat down
    He said, "My, ain't it hot tonight!"
    I studied this old man, and it seemed mighty strange
    For him to be out here all alone
    Then he started talkin' and he told me many things
    Of times that both of us had known

    He told me of the wild life and the women that he'd had
    How none ofthem had ever meant a thing
    he told me of a black night, much the same as this
    Of the strange and awesome things he'd seen.
    A man beside the road had raised his hand and flagged him down
    So he stopped and let him in
    That stranger told him stories that I am hearing now
    'Bout the wild times and all the sin

    Then the car got cold and clammy
    And this old man looked at me
    He said, "Boy, I've come here for you.
    Your days of wicked sinnin' have come to an end.
    As a mortal on this earth, boy, you are through."
    Then his eyes got red and fiery as he took his Stetson off
    To reveal his evil horns, shiny and black
    My God, the fear came over me, and my senses were all lost
    I fought with him until we finally erashed.

    Next day they found the car at the bottom of a draw
    The young cowboy was found beside the wreck
    His ear had been consumed by fire, the cowboy had no marks
    Except the smoke and pitch fork brand upon his neck.


    Please e-Mail me if you find any errors